*This post was originally posted in 2023*

Recently, my kids have been participating in track meets and swim meets, or long tournament days, where we have targeted nutrition more deeply. I see athletes eating bags of candy throughout a meet and would like to encourage them to save this for after the races. Below are my tips for targeted nutrition for sport performances.

PRIORITIZE SLEEP! Before every competition, make sure you are going to bed on time, and getting adequate sleep.

PRIORITIZE HYDRATION! Aim to drink half of your body weight in ounces each day, and especially leading up to an athletic event.

On the day of the meet, try to eat a meal 3-4 hours before the start of the meet.
Aim for a combination of carbs and protein- a meal high in carbohydrates with some protein, while low in fat and fiber.  Avoid fast foods, fried foods, high-fat foods and high-fiber foods.
Do not try new foods before a meet.
I did this the night before a marathon and it did not end well!


  • nut butter and honey wrap
  • egg with toast and applesauce
  • oatmeal with nut butter and fruit
  • bagel or english muffin with peanut butter
  • fruit and yogurt smoothie
  • fruit and low fat cottage cheese with toast
  • pasta with veggies and lean protein
  • homemade energy/meal bar with fruit

30-60 minutes before the start of the meet
This is when you can make sure you have carbohydrates to use during the race.


  • applesauce pack
  • electrolytes such as coconut water
  • homemade energy balls
  • 2-3 dates
  • crackers
  • banana or piece of fruit

During the meet
It can be tempting to buy candy at the snack bar and eat during the event.
Save this for after the meet. Candy will contribute to blood sugar making a steady rise and quick fall, leaving your energy to feel the same way. Stick with foods that will keep your blood sugar balanced throughout. Choose a healthy snack with carbohydrates.


  • applesauce pack
  • electrolytes such as coconut water
  • homemade energy balls
  • 2-3 dates
  • crackers
  • banana or piece of fruit

Recipe for homemade energy balls

  • 1 ½ cups organic old fashioned oatmeal
  • 2/3 cup organic nut or seed butter
  • 1/4 to 1/3 cup organic raw honey
  • 1/4 cup ground flax seeds
    Optional additions – sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate chips

Use a food processor to mix all ingredients or mix by hand and form into balls.
If mixing by hand, it may be more dry. Add more nut butter and honey.

After the meet

Eat a balanced meal with adequate protein and carbohydrates, some fat and fiber.
Focus on protein for muscle recovery and carbs to refill glycogen stores.

Prioritize sleep and hydration!

  • grilled chicken, vegetables and rice or pasta.
  • oatmeal, nut butter, and banana
  • eggs with avocado and toast.
  • wild salmon and sweet potato.
  • wild tuna sandwich or with crackers
  • hummus and pitas

Benefits of beet root juice

Endurance athletes have had mixed results when using beet juice 2-3 hours before racing. This is something athletes could try before practices. Supplementing with nitrate pre-workout has been shown in some to increase blood flow and lower the oxygen demand of exercise and to improve performance in endurance athletes. It is most effective when consumed two to three hours before the event and should include 300 to 500 mg of inorganic nitrate.



