Your guide to perimenopause
You go to your doctor hoping for tips about what to expect, the symptoms you are having, and how to navigate and you get a good luck with that! Well, I’m here to help!
Signs and Symptoms of Perimenopause
When your sleep starts to turn wonky, you experience brain fog, your periods are no longer regular, or become heavy, or light, and maybe all over the place, these are hints of perimenopause. Weight gain when you have made relatively no changes, is another sign of perimenopause. Of course, everyone is different and these symptoms could always be something else, but keep an eye on these ones specifically.

Blood sugar balance
Food first. During this time of hormone change, consider the order of the foods you are eating. For example, if you are eating carbs, protein and fats, eat the protein first, then the fats and then the carbs. If the carbs are fiber such as vegetables or a salad, you may eat this with the protein. This helps to keep blood sugar stable.
Foods to Eat
- Leafy greens! Power food for women’s hormones
- Cruciferous Veggies! Help to flush out excess estrogen. Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage
- Berries
- Healthy fats such as avocadoes
- Nuts, seeds
- Green tea
Foods to reduce
Refined foods (white bread, pasta)
Supplement Considerations
Everyone is bioindividual and depending on symptoms, adding in targeted supplementation is very helpful. Most women do well with magnesium glycinate, Omega 3 fish oil, a B complex vitamin, and Vitamin C.
Understanding the “why” behind your nutrition plan is crucial. We provide you with the knowledge and resources to make informed choices about your diet, empowering you to take control of your health. Take our self paced course to learn the ins and outs of hormone balance on your own timeline. Click the class button below for more information.

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